CAF France housing supplement application guide


Author: The Snail House Author MA Puffs

Room allocations CAF (Caisse d 'allocations familiales) was one of the most important sources of income for our students who came to France. Taking money from parents made them feel guilty, but taking the allocations made them feel blessed and wanted to use the money to heartache themselves. Enjoy the benefits of the French "socialist system".



So, you've been in France for so long, have you got your house allowance?

01 About the housing allowance for the first and last month in France
1) If you check in on September 1, inform the housing subsidy center in September: you can enjoy the housing subsidy in October, and you can officially get the housing subsidy starting from October in November. 2) If you check out on June 15, you only pay the rent for 15 days in June: the housing subsidy center does not count the rent for 15 days in the subsidy scope. The last payment will be made to you around June 5th, and the payment will be made in May. 3) If you paid the entire month's rent when you checked out, the housing subsidy center will still call you on the 5th of the next month. 4) Regardless of the date of your first month of rent, you will not be eligible for the first month of rent.
02 About the amount of housing subsidy
1) In principle, the amount of housing subsidy is related to income level, rental type, rent, children and other factors. Previously, the income level of the year determines the housing subsidy situation after two years, but from 2019, the income level of the year determines the amount of housing subsidy for that year. Starting in 2021, the amount is calculated based on the income level of the previous three months.
2) About the intern housing allowance: Taking the 16th arrondissement of little Paris as an example, the housing allowance for a single student with no income is about 206 euros. However, if the trainee stagiaire or apprenti has no other income and only receives the internship salary (one-third SMIC, or even no salary internship), the housing subsidy is generally about 100 euros higher than the normal housing subsidy amount. But if your internship salary is high and exceeds the SMIC salary, then the housing supplement is canceled.
3) About the scholarship student room allowance: If you are a Boursier scholarship recipient, be honest about it. In practice, a student with a 4,500 euro scholarship can get 254 euros in the Paris area housing supplement, which is nearly 50 euros higher than the general housing supplement. This is the best embodiment of the French housing subsidy policy to reward the diligent.
4) About Couple and Colocation housing supplement: If a couple applies for an apartment, taking Paris as an example, the total amount of the two is generally about 326 euros. But if it is a Colocation, the housing supplement is only 112 euros per person, which is equivalent to less than a couple, it seems that the French housing supplement policy is not gentil enough for single dogs.
03 Reasons for delay in getting the housing supplement
1) Incomplete materials or materials have not been received: housing subsidy applicants should pay special attention to provide the following materials to the housing subsidy center in time: Passport, residence within the validity period (or visa +OFII stamp page), original and translated copies of the notarial certificate of birth (preferably double certification), Attestation de loyer, income declaration, rent slip quittance de loyer, personal bank account information RIB, etc. issued by the landlord or the student apartment. If the materials are not complete, you can not get the housing subsidy. If it is sent by mail, it is best to send the material by certified mail to prevent the material from being lost.
2) System error: the staff of the housing repair center may forget to confirm after reviewing the materials or have problems, which requires you to communicate with them in time. For example, I have encountered the embarrassing thing that the housing subsidy center has assigned my housing subsidy to a person with a similar name. Students familiar with the French slot point, here should only "ha ha".
04 What should I do if I forget my room number or password
Numero allocataire: This number is very important when you log in to the CAF website and when you go to the CAF office to submit materials! If you forget it, go to Mon compte, click on "Numero allocataire oublie", enter your local postcode, your name and date of birth, and CAF will email you with your CAF number.
Change CAF password: CAF will send the temporary password to your mobile phone in the form of SMS or email when you get the room replacement number for the first time. The first thing you do after logging in is to change your password to ensure that it is secure and won't be forgotten by you. The password is made up of eight digits, which should be memorized after changing it.
05 Far look at the different levels of housing

Minefield 1: Do you locataire or reside in dans une residence pour etudiants? As shown in the picture, which option should you choose to get the right allowance?


Students living in general student housing, should choose locataire (renter), although your contract may be written contrat sous location, but this is only a special way to write student housing, does not affect you as a locataire. The situation of Sous locataire is rarely encountered, and it is not recommended that students rent the house of the principal landlord. If you are a student living in Crous government-subsidized housing, you need to choose the third option: residez dans un foyer ou une residence pour etudiants If you are living in HLM (low rent housing), you need to choose the fourth option: residez dans un foyer... It is recommended that you select the corresponding item according to the actual situation. Some students live in student apartments but choose Crous apartments, housing subsidies will be less.
Minefield 2: Low-rent housing contracted by logement conventionne and the government
Since the rent is already much cheaper than other houses, logement conventionne will receive less than non conventionne. Since most of the housing is non-conventionne, we are advised not to tread on this minefield.
Minefield 3: meuble or non meuble
It used to be said that the house without furniture will be higher, but in fact, it is not necessarily. It also depends on rent and other factors. So don't rent an unfurnished house because you think you can get a high housing allowance. Simple and comfortable apartments are best for new students in France. At the same time, it is recommended that you reach a consensus with the landlord in terms of furniture. We choose reasonable options together.
Minefield 4: Is the gay room Premium Higher?
At one time, it was rumored that gays and lesbians would get more housing subsidies than the average couple, but the actual help for students to apply for it, the situation is not. We strongly discourage people from lying about being gay in order to get more housing. Because, a lie can bring you countless future trouble.
06 How can I contact CAF if I can't get the housing subsidy
1) Sending letters (Par courrier) : This is one of the ways to replenish the housing support center. Once you have a CAF account number and password, the website will remind you what materials are missing. We know it sometimes, even without reminding us. Especially when residency documents need to be updated. Be sure to indicate your subsidy number Numero d 'Allocataire when you send the materials, otherwise the staff of the housing subsidy center may not be able to find which account your materials should correspond to.
2) Dating (Sur RDV) : On CAF's official website or mobile APP, you can find: demander un RDV, you can find your own corresponding questions, the website will recommend you the time, you choose a suitable time, and fill in personal information and contact information, as well as questions. Choose a letter or text message to receive the information, and then Valider your own appointment time. For example, if your family status or work status changes, you can get in touch with CAF through online dating.
3) Par telephone: CAF opens the student special line and other contact telephone numbers, all of which start from 08, and there is a charge of 0.06 euros per minute. A typical call to CAF requires a wait of five to ten minutes. The advantage is that you will soon know what is wrong with your account and why not give you money, but you need to have good French communication skills. You can also find a friend who speaks French better than you, but you must be present. Every phone conversation is recorded, and if you are not on the phone, CAF staff will not help, even with your consent.

Writing so much, we are for the students who have completed the application to answer questions. However, if you are still afraid of trouble and have not applied for housing on the Internet, it is too bad. Do not hesitate because you have not yet made an appointment with OFII, do not be sad because your recent identity is "black", this is secondary. The important thing is to tell CAF in the first place that I need your love!