Details Etat des lieux (House condition Inspection)


Author: Service network

How exactly should you do an Etat des lieux (house condition check)?

In France, Etat des lieux (house condition check) is an essential step when renting a house. Even if it's a short rental. On the day you get the key to your room, before you officially move, you must do the Etat des lieux d 'entree (Occupancy condition check) with your landlord or agent. Similarly, when you leave the house in the future, you will also need to do a check-out check Etat des lieux de sortie (check-out house condition check) to ensure that the house is in the same condition as when you checked in.

Attached is a sample French house inspection document.

A house inspection is a document signed by two parties (usually the landlord and the tenant) in a rental contract to clearly let the landlord and the tenant know the condition of the house. Reduce disputes. The examination should be done in sufficient light. In the document, all the condition of the house will be listed in detail, including the composition of the furniture, the degree of old and new, the degree of good condition of the doors and Windows, how many nail holes are in the wall, the record of the meter numbers, and so on. It's best to take pictures of everything good and bad with your phone. This signed home inspection document should be exactly the same when the tenant arrives and when the tenant leaves in order to get the full deposit returned. In the event of improper damage, the landlord may deduct the repair cost from the deposit according to the difference between the time of arrival and departure.

The house inspection must be as detailed as possible and clearly write out all the terms, do not use ambiguous descriptions, good is good, bad is bad, and the words must be precise to prevent future disputes. A home inspection must include a description of all room details, such as doors, Windows, walls, floors, roofs, and all home furnishings, as well as water, electricity, and gas numbers.



The document, which can be handwritten or electronic, is legally valid as long as it is signed by both parties. Please keep this Etat des lieux with the lease of the house.

If a tenant finds a problem that was not discovered at the time of check-in, the tenant can ask the landlord to change the Etat des Lieux within 10 days.

Heating and hot water installations can require changes within the first month.

There is a paid method of doing the signing of the house condition document, which can be decided by both parties or by one party, the cost is based on the square meter, and the cost must be shared by both parties, even if the payment is decided by one party. (87€for each party under 50 square meters, 98€for each party under 150 square meters, 137€for each party over 150 square meters) This method is to find a professional bailer (Huissier de justice) to help do this document, and the bailer decides whether it is the same as Etat des lieux entree, Tenants with a particularly large deposit can choose to leave the house inspection document in this way, which can avoid disputes, because both parties can only agree to the decision after the bailiff inspection.

So next, I want to introduce you to the specific precautions when doing a house inspection.

1. First of all, if it is private housing, when signing the contract, be sure to write all the contact information of the landlord, phone number, email, first name, last name, and as detailed as possible. Because, some French landlords, you may only see him (her) at the time of check-in and check-out, now do not leave good contact information, later do not know where to find ah... If you live in an apartment, it will be much more convenient, but be sure to check the working hours of the person in charge of the apartment, and don't think that they sit downstairs every day like the Chinese building management lady. No, no, no. They have strict hours, they go home when they get there. In addition, the building management of some apartments will be responsible for two apartments, so they are not in the apartment every day, so if there is a problem, we must first look at their work time before going over.

Secondly, when you do the house inspection, the landlord will give you the key, be sure to keep the key !!!!!!! Because French keys are very expensive !!!!!! Sometimes you have two keys, and it's best if you give one to a friend for safekeeping in case you forget it. But if there is only one (also very normal), it is recommended that you go to make a key, with the price according to your key situation, generally 30 to 50 euros. It will be more expensive if the key is a big one for an old door in France. So be careful! Well done! Keep the key!! It's a good idea to take a photo of the keys so you can return them with evidence of how many were given.

But just in case, just in case, your key is lost, then it is more troublesome at this time. The first thing to distinguish between your situation, whether the key is lost or stolen, is a very important concept. If it is lost, you lost it accidentally, then you only need to contact the landlord or the person in charge of the apartment, get the key to spend money and match it. If it is at night, it is inconvenient to contact, you may need to find the lock master to open the door and go home or live outside for a night first, and then solve it during the day. However, if the key is stolen, this situation requires special treatment. Because the key is stolen, it is likely that someone is targeting you, is deliberately stealing the key to prepare for burglary or theft, so be sure to contact the landlord or the apartment urgently, change the lock, change the key, this is a necessary step, of course, this also means to spend more money, because the French lock is more expensive. However, you can check the house insurance you bought at this time, if your insurance is better (expensive), there is usually a clause, that is, the key is stolen or lost, there will be compensation, please carefully read your house insurance regulations.

3. When doing house inspection, be sure to carefully check and check with the landlord or the apartment: Scratches and holes in the wall, scratches and cracks in the floor, whether the electrical appliances can be used normally (some old heating in the summer, due to high temperature can not be tested, pay attention to communicate well with each other), the state of the furniture is new, used, or bad, whether the blinds are good, whether the toilet is normal, whether the water heater can be used, and, when checking the bed, be sure to lift the mattress. See if the bed board is strong and the mattress is clean. (Just a reminder to girls, a dirty mattress can also cost you money, so be sure to pay attention.)



4. Note the electricity meter, water meter, and gas numbers on the house inspection. Water is usually included in the rent, and gas is not used much in Little Paris, so let's focus on the electricity meter. There are several numbers on the meter that we need to record, the meter number (numero de serie), the meter number (index), specifically (base or Heures creuse, Heures pleines), and the PDL(point de livraison), Consisting of 14 digits, the new meter can be seen directly, while the old meter needs to ask the landlord or apartment, as well as the name of your previous tenant, to make sure everything is correct. If your rent does not include electricity, be sure to go to the power company as soon as possible, otherwise there may be a power cut. And it's important to keep track of the meter numbers, because it's likely that the new tenant will pay for electricity that wasn't paid by the previous tenant. Without this evidence, it's hard to say. Remember, remember.

EDF has a lot of Total Spring, Directe Energie, EDF and so on, you can go to the power company or call yourself, online. Of course, you can also choose the service network, free of charge to help you handle, and choose a more favorable price for you. And there's often a benefit package.

These are the tips we bring you for house inspection, hope you enjoy your stay in France. Thanks for your attention.